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About Us

The Winbourne Consulting difference.

Consistent delivery of quality, results and success.

Winbourne Consulting provides technology and management consulting services to help government agencies and private sector corporations accomplish their goals. We work on technology, business and operational issues, identify problem areas, and partner with our clients to plan and implement effective solutions.

Why Choose Us?

Our client-centric service delivery model includes the following business areas:

  • Management Consulting
  • Public Safety Information & Communication Systems
  • Project Management and Quality Assurance
  • Systems & Application Requirements Planning
  • Procurement Management & Support
  • Mission Critical Facilities Planning & Technical Integration


Our professionals understand the dynamics of both public and private sector project management. We develop solutions our clients can use. Our consultants are recognized for forward thinking, innovative, technology and operational solutions that are grounded in the client’s requirements and mission and respects the human side of problem-solving.

We also survey the customer satisfaction level we are achieving on a regular basis. We have maintained a 98% Highly satisfied customer rating for over 12 years.