Areas of Focus

Public Safety Technology

Extensive experience in CAD, Mobile, Law and Fire Records Management, CAD-to-CAD, NG 911, and Jail Systems for Police, Sheriff, Fire, and EMS agencies.

Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) and Mobile

Winbourne Consulting provides needs assessments, vendor compatibility evaluations, RFP requirements, demo scenario development, and contract negotiation services to PSAPs across the United States and Internationally. We also provide CAD and Mobile implementation services, including project management, gap analysis with issue ticket development, process and workflow improvements, training curriculum development, training assistance, data conversion and interfaces oversight, acceptance testing, go-live support, and post-go-live issue resolution. Our clients in this area include Washington DC, New York City, Miami-Dade FL, Fairfax County, VA, Seminole County, FL, Virginia Beach, VA, San Mateo County, CA, Seminole County, FL, City of Murrieta CA, Las Vegas, NV, City of Mesa AZ.


Winbourne Consulting is the premier interoperability services provider with extensive experience in CAD-to-CAD integrations, including incident and resource sharing between Police, Fire, and EMS agencies. We provide needs assessments, regional and statewide interoperability studies, project management, and implementation services. We have published a comprehensive CAD-to-CAD white paper and developed regional and statewide interoperability plans. We implemented a first-of-its-kind two-way CAD-to-CAD interface between Harvard University and Boston, MA. We are assisting the State of Minnesota on a statewide CAD-to-CAD interoperability plan. Our clients in this area include the City of Denver, CO, where we conducted a CAD Integration Feasibility Study to provide a comprehensive overview of the current CAD environment within the Denver Metro areas 38 PSAPs and discover the agency’s interest in participating in a CAD-to-CAD project. We provided recommendations and options for integrating multiple CAD systems in the region and assisted in creating a draft RFP for soliciting a vendor for implementation. Other clients include Milwaukee County, WI, and MESB (Minneapolis/St Paul) regional CAD-to-CAD assessments, studies, and recommendations, as well as CAD-to-CAD assessments and implementations for the Los Angeles region Fire Departments, the National Capital Region, and Hampton Roads, VA.

Records Management Systems (RMS)

Winbourne Consulting provides needs assessments, vendor compatibility evaluations, RFP requirements, demo scenario development, and contract negotiation services to Law Enforcement agencies across the United States and Internationally. We also provide RMS implementation services, including project management, gap analysis with issue ticket development, process and workflow improvements, training curriculum development, training assistance, data conversion and interfaces oversight, acceptance testing, go-live support, and post-go-live issue resolution. Our services also include working with law enforcement agencies to update their policies and procedures to coincide with implementing a new RMS solution. Our services include grant writing and management throughout the procurement and implementation process. Our clients include Cleveland, OH; Durango, CO; La Plata County, CO; Fairfax County, VA; Seminole County, FL; Virginia Beach, VA; San Mateo County, CA; City of Murrieta CA; and the City of Peoria, AZ.

Next Generation 911 Services

Our firm is a leading provider of Next Generation 911 (NG911) consulting and project management services. Our team has supported over 30 states and local jurisdictions in planning and implementing NG911 solutions. Our services include the design and implementation of Emergency Service IP Networks (ESInets); development of NG911 Call Handling Equipment (CHE) requirements and implementation management; planning and installation of the NENA i3 standard Next Generation 911 core services (NGCS) such as the Location Validation Function (LVF) and Emergency Call Routing Function (ECRF). Our customers include New York City; the State of Connecticut; Washington, DC; Arlington, VA; and Las Vegas, NV.

311 Centers and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Systems

Winbourne Consulting has assisted cities with the ground-up design, development, and implementation of a 311 center to serve their customers and visitors better. We have also assisted cities with establishing 311 centers by conducting a center evaluation and needs assessment to develop recommendations and requirements to obtain a new Customer Relationship Management system, including system design and implementation. Our clients in the area include the City of Washington, DC, and the City of Virginia Beach, VA.

Mobile Data Network Assessment

Our firm evaluates network usage for public safety first responders, assessing the required coverage, bandwidth, and mobile data applications. This team is currently involved in the mobile data network replacement project for the Onondaga County Department of Emergency Communications.

Radio Interoperability Needs Assessment

Winbourne Consulting has assisted jurisdictions in enhancing the interoperability and managing the upgrade of land mobile radio communications to support improved safety of our nation’s first responders. Clients include Fairfax County, VA, Arlington County, VA, Hennepin County, MN, Las Cruces, NM, and Meza, AZ.

More Winbourne Consulting Areas of Focus