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International Clients


Jakarta, Indonesia—Focus on Enhancing Emergency Communications Integration

Jakarta, IndonesiaFocus on Enhancing Emergency Communications Integration 

Winbourne Consulting has assisted public safety agencies in Jakarta on two significant projects related to public safety infrastructure and integration.  Each project building on the success of the region’s public safety entities accessibility to the public.   

Our first project was to prepare a comprehensive Public Safety Master Plan for the regional government.  The plan included recommendations and detailed plans for emergency communication centers, communications infrastructure, and new emergency medical services.  In addition, staffing, private financing options and implementation plans and schedules.  

Among other enhancement projects, the regional government expanded and enhanced the emergency medical call center and ambulance services significantly.  In addition, the regional government established a 112 general emergency call center that coordinates with police, fire and emergency medical services for response to incidents.  

This project was privately financed through a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) investment.  

Our second project was to prepare a feasibility study and make recommendations for enhancing 112 emergency communications services in Jakarta.  The 112 emergency communications center is managed by the City’s disaster management agency, BPBD.

During the project, we conducted three workshops to discuss the findings of the feasibility analysis and the recommendations for enhancing the 112 services in the city.  The workshops were attended by over 35 agencies, all direct stakeholders in the effectiveness of the 112 communications system in the city.  

The project resulted in a 5-year roadmap and milestones for development of the 112 Call Center and integration with 119 emergency medical communications center.  Also, for the 112 center to more closely collaborate with the City’s Safe City/Smart City Initiative.  

World Vision International sponsored the project.  The US Agency for International Development (USAID) funded the project.  

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