International Clients


Plan and Implement 911 Emergency Communications in Amman

Plan and Implement 911 Emergency Communications in Amman

After a coordinated terrorist attack on several hotels in Amman, Jordan’s capital, the US State Department authorized a team of US experts to assess opportunities to assist the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan combat terrorism.  Our firm was part of the assessment team.

We recommended the installation of an emergency communications system such as 911.  The Jordanian government and the US State Department accepted the recommendation.  

Our team developed technical specifications for the centers call taking and dispatching systems and potential vendors.  In addition, we assisted with the design of the center. 

We supported visits to US 911 centers for the Jordanian public safety agencies to meet counterparts and view the centers and systems.  Our firm also organized visits to the Amman 911 center for stakeholders from Iraq and other Arab countries to meet the Jordanian center leaders, see the center, systems and operations.

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